Happy reading :)
Do not give up ! The beginning is always the hardest
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Thursday, 11 September 2014
My Biology ;)
Mitosis is the process, in the cell cycle, by which the chromosomes in the cell nucleus are separated into two identical sets of chromosomes, each in its own nucleus. In general, mitosis is followed immediately by cytokinesis, which divides the cytoplasm, organelles, and cell membrane, and later karyokinesis, which divides the nucleus, dividing the cell into two new cells containing roughly equal shares of these cellular components. Mitosis and cytokinesis together define the mitotic (M) phase of the cell cycle—the division of the mother cell into two daughter cells, genetically identical to each other and to their parent cell. This accounts for approximately 20% of the cell cycle.
Mitosis occurs only in eukaryotic cells and the process varies in different groups. For example, animalsundergo an "open" mitosis, where the nuclear envelope breaks down before the chromosomes separate, while fungi such as Aspergillus nidulans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) undergo a "closed" mitosis, where chromosomes divide within an intact cell nucleus. Prokaryoticcells, which lack a nucleus, divide by a process called binary fission.
The process of mitosis is fast and highly complex. The sequence of events is divided into stages corresponding to the completion of one set of activities and the start of the next. These stages are prophase, prometaphase , metaphase , anaphase, and telophase. During mitosis, the pairs of chromatids condense and attach to fibers that pull the sister chromatids to opposite sides of the cell. The cell then divides in cytokinesis , to produce two daughter cells.
Because cytokinesis often occurs in conjunction with mitosis, "mitosis" is often used interchangeably with "mitotic phase". However, there are many cells where mitosis and cytokinesis occur separately, forming single cells with multiple nuclei. The most notable occurrence of this is among the fungi and slime molds, but is found in various groups. Even in animals, cytokinesis and mitosis may occur independently, for instance during certain stages of fruit fly embryonic development.Errors in mitosis can either kill a cell through apoptosis or cause mutations. Certain types of cancer can arise from such mutations.
Meiosis is a special type of cell division necessary for sexual reproduction in eukaryotes, such as animals, plants and fungi. The number of sets of chromosomes in the cell undergoing meiosis is reduced to half the original number, typically from two sets (diploid) to one set (haploid). The cells produced by meiosis are either gametes(the usual case in animals) or otherwise usually spores from which gametes are ultimately produced (the case in land plants). In many organisms, including all animals and land plants (but not some other groups such as fungi), gametes are called sperm in males and egg cells or ova in females. Since meiosis has halved the number of sets of chromosomes, when two gametes fuse during fertilisation, the number of sets of chromosomes in the resulting zygote is restored to the original number.
Meiotic division occurs in two stages, meiosis I and meiosis II, dividing the cells once at each stage. Before meiosis begins, during S phase of the cell cycle, the DNA of each chromosome is replicated, so that each chromosome has two sister chromatids , a diploid organism now has a tetraploid DNA amount in the cell. The first stage of meiosis begins with a cell that has (if it is from a diploid organism) two copies of each type of chromosome, one from each of the mother and father, called homologous chromosomes, each of which has two sister chromatids. The homologous chromosomes pair up and may exchange genetic material with each other in a process called crossing over. Each pair then separates as two cells are formed, each with one chromosome (two chromatids) from every homologous pair.
In the second stage, each chromosome splits into two; each half, each sister chromatid, is separated into two new cells, which are haploid. This occurs in both of the cells formed in meiosis I. Therefore from each original cell, four genetically distinct haploid cells are produced. These cells can mature into gametes.

Comparison chart
Meiosis | Mitosis | |
Definition | A type of cellular reproduction in which the number of chromosomes are reduced by half through the separation of homologous chromosomes, producing two haploid cells. | A process of asexual reproduction in which the cell divides in two producing a replica, with an equal number of chromosomes in each resulting diploid cell. |
Function | Genetic diversity through sexual reproduction. | Cellular reproduction and general growth and repair of the body. |
Type of Reproduction | Sexual | Asexual |
Occurs in | Humans, animals, plants, fungi. | All organisms. |
Genetically | Different | Identical |
Crossing Over | Yes, mixing of chromosomes can occur. | No, crossing over cannot occur. |
Pairing of Homologs | Yes | No |
Number of Divisions | 2 | 1 |
Number of Daughter Cells produced | 4 haploid cells | 2 diploid cells |
Chromosome Number | Reduced by half. | Remains the same. |
Steps | (Meiosis 1) Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I; (Meiosis 2) Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II and Telophase II. | Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase. |
Karyokinesis | Occurs in Interphase I. | Occurs in Interphase. |
Cytokinesis | Occurs in Telophase I and in Telophase II. | Occurs in Telophase. |
Centromeres Split | The centromeres do not separate during anaphase I, but during anaphase II. | The centromeres split during anaphase. |
Creates | Sex cells only: female egg cells or male sperm cells. | Makes everything other than sex cells. |
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Raya raya rayaaaaaa !!
Assalamualaikum .. :)
Raya datang lagi ?? Alhamdulillah , aku masih diberi kesempatan untuk meraikan hari raya aidilfitri pada tahun ni walaupun lagi 3 hari nak raya . Heee inshaAllah sempat .Tapi ?? Sampai sekarang baju raya tak beli lagi . Sedih ! So untuk persediaan hari raya memang aku kosong . Nak bercerita pasal hari raya sebenarnya tahun ni tak berapa nak seronok . Sebab ? First , atuk dah tak ada . Selalunya atuk jadi pengubat duka sebab dia suka menyanyi . Rasa tak lengkap raya kalau tak dengar suara dia . Rasa kasihan kat nenek beraya tanpa atuk . Takpe nenek . Tahun ni kita raya sama sama ya :) And second , nenek aku belah abah aku sakit . Hurm dah lama dah dia sakit . Dan baru lagi kakak aku bagitahu , nenek aku tu sekarang ni dah tak boleh berjalan . Macam dah lumpuh . Ya Allah , aku dapat rasakan raya tahun ni tak semeriah tahun tahun yang sebelumnya .
Pengalaman raya sebelum ni ? Rasanya tak ada apa yang menarik pun . Cuma yang seronoknya dapat berkumpul ramai ramai lah . Macam orang lain jugak kan ? Seronok sebenarnya ada keluarga yang besar . Bila dah lama tak jumpa , masa raya ni lah masanya nak jumpa semua orang . Yang tak kenal pun boleh jadi kenal . Yang tak pernah jumpa pun tiba tiba muncul . Inilah yang dinamakan silaturrahim . Masa raya nilah kita dapat eratkan silaturrahim kan ?
Makanan pulak . Aku ni jenis tak memilih . Tapi kalau raya memang wajib ada rendang la . Sedap ! Selalunya mak yang masak rendang tu . Malam raya tu kami bergotong royong la buat ketupat , rendang , semua tu . Rasa tak sabar pula nak balik rumah . Nak makan , Haha . Tapi lagi sedap kalau nenek yang masak . Malangnya , nenek dah tak larat nak buat semua tu . Takpelah , Tak ada rezeki nak rasa masakan nenek dah .
So , kesimpulannya , aku berharap tahun ni aku dapat sambut dengan gembira with my family :)
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Hypertext :
Hypertext is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references (hyperlinks) to other text which the reader can immediately access, or where text can be revealed progressively at multiple levels of detail (also called Stretch Text). The hypertext pages are interconnected by hyperlinks, typically activated by a mouse click, key press sequence or by touching the screen. Apart from text, hypertext is sometimes used to describe tables, images and other presentational content forms with hyperlinks. Hypertext is the underlying concept defining the structure of the World Wide Web , with pages often written in the Hypertext Markup Language (aka HTML). It enables an easy-to-use and flexible connection and sharing of information over the Internet .As example :
Super cute baby wakes up! - YouTube
Friday, 27 June 2014
My Aim , My Destiny
Most people in the world have some ambitions in life. A petty merchant has an ambition to become a big business man, a clerk to be a high officer, a student to be a doctor or engineer. Some desire for wealth, some desire for fame and reputation. A proper aim in life keeps a person shining and glowing in his future life.
My aim in life is neither to collect money this or by that way nor for fame. It is my desire to become a well qualified doctor or scientist. I do not just wish to be an ordinary scientist who spends his times in his laboratory trying to find out new drugs and medicines to remove the suffering of millions of people. The world remembers with thankfulness the name of the man who gave to the world vaccination. The world will remember forever the man who gave us penicillin.
As a doctor it is my real wish to server the badly suffering humanity too. Our country is still under development and it has become necessary for all of us, especially for doctors to acheive sound progress in the field of new drugs and medicines, And for the prosperity and solidarity of pakistan we should work hard with spiritual zeal and zeast.
I have an ambition to do something in this world so great as the doctors and the courages founders did in the past. I would like to give the world some new drugs and injections that will cure some of the many disease that people are still suffering from.
My aim in life is neither to collect money this or by that way nor for fame. It is my desire to become a well qualified doctor or scientist. I do not just wish to be an ordinary scientist who spends his times in his laboratory trying to find out new drugs and medicines to remove the suffering of millions of people. The world remembers with thankfulness the name of the man who gave to the world vaccination. The world will remember forever the man who gave us penicillin.
As a doctor it is my real wish to server the badly suffering humanity too. Our country is still under development and it has become necessary for all of us, especially for doctors to acheive sound progress in the field of new drugs and medicines, And for the prosperity and solidarity of pakistan we should work hard with spiritual zeal and zeast.
I have an ambition to do something in this world so great as the doctors and the courages founders did in the past. I would like to give the world some new drugs and injections that will cure some of the many disease that people are still suffering from.
In my opinion, wealth, fame and any other kind of materialistic gain are hollow and baseless if earned through unfair means. In my ambition, it is great wish to help the suffering people. For lawful earnings it will be my foremost duty to server the humanity, by going to the rural areas of this under developed country in order to help the poor and humble people for their happiness and entire satisfaction.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
To Be A Well Respected Scholar
The meaning of scholar is a person of great knowledge and learning . In the other word , we can define the scholar as a person who has been awarded a scholarship . A scholar is a learnt person (especially in humanities ) .
A strong desire
Reasons ! Purposes !
Now you need to set goals . Why ? To find out to which direction ! The goal would be to give reasons , purposes . Your goal is to urge your direction . If you can see eye to what you want , you will have it . Goals give you strength to move . The goal of producing a workforce needed to get you to achieve your dreams . Good goals are statements of what you want , in a positive way clear , cohesive and emotionally ( remember the fire ! Without emotion , without fire , no result ! )
Believe in yourself
Between 5 steps to succeed in what you do , you have to believe in yourself . You really should be aware of the fact that you deserve to have what you want and that you can send for it , that you have everything you need to achieve your dreams .
Think positive
Dream of the most beautiful , strong desire and a clear purpose will not get you anywhere if you wreck yourself with negative beliefs . If you have a bad temper , constantly thinking about the bad things from seeing the good , this mindset will make you what you think : fear , bad . How to raise your positive thoughts to extent of the universe and the creation of the universe will conspire with you to give you what you want .
Consistency . Yes , it's easy to start something . Very easy to stop . But that requires consistency for you stay on your path to the goal . Consistency , uncompromising , always toward the same goal , ultimately this will give you absolute freedom . Why ? Because you do not have to think and looking the other . It has become a habit and you are free to think to learn new things more challenging . Set yourself on the path to your goal , be sure to continuously , every step will take you to more freedom , happiness , and you will master your life !
Steps to be a scholar :
The first thing that you need is a strong desire . If you really want something , but you do not get up now , your desire is not strong enough ! You really have to feel the desire to have it in your bones , your flesh , your heart and soul . Desire is the starting point , because without it , nothing will be .
Now you need to set goals . Why ? To find out to which direction ! The goal would be to give reasons , purposes . Your goal is to urge your direction . If you can see eye to what you want , you will have it . Goals give you strength to move . The goal of producing a workforce needed to get you to achieve your dreams . Good goals are statements of what you want , in a positive way clear , cohesive and emotionally ( remember the fire ! Without emotion , without fire , no result ! )
Believe in yourself
Between 5 steps to succeed in what you do , you have to believe in yourself . You really should be aware of the fact that you deserve to have what you want and that you can send for it , that you have everything you need to achieve your dreams .
Think positive
Dream of the most beautiful , strong desire and a clear purpose will not get you anywhere if you wreck yourself with negative beliefs . If you have a bad temper , constantly thinking about the bad things from seeing the good , this mindset will make you what you think : fear , bad . How to raise your positive thoughts to extent of the universe and the creation of the universe will conspire with you to give you what you want .
Consistency . Yes , it's easy to start something . Very easy to stop . But that requires consistency for you stay on your path to the goal . Consistency , uncompromising , always toward the same goal , ultimately this will give you absolute freedom . Why ? Because you do not have to think and looking the other . It has become a habit and you are free to think to learn new things more challenging . Set yourself on the path to your goal , be sure to continuously , every step will take you to more freedom , happiness , and you will master your life !
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